The Truth About Violent Extremism

What is violent extremism? 

  • Beliefs and actions of individuals and groups who support or use violence to achieve ideological, religious or political goals.
  • Includes terrorism, other forms of ideologically and politically motivated violence and some forms of communal violence.
  • Seeks change through fear and intimidation rather than legal and democratic processes.

Why is violent extremism a concern? 

Threatens and undermines Kenya’s, constitutionalism, core values and principles, including human rights, the rule of law, democracy, equal opportunity and freedom.

Threatens Kenya’s existence as a harmonious, cohesive and inclusive society.

Radicalisation and violent extremism are threat to Kenya’s security, economy and way of life.

What is Kenya doing to address the threat? 

1. Counter terrorism operations.

2. Collaboration and partnerships with other governments, development partners, local communities, private sector,  CSOs, political and religious leaders, and other stakeholders.

3. Prevention of terrorism through the National Strategy to Counter Violent Extremism

4. County Action Plans to Prevent and Counter Violent Extremism in all 47 Counties

5. A nationwide disengagement