The Current Reality in Regard to Violent or Militant Extremism

Globally, extremist ideas, peer-to-peer networks and powerful narratives of generational struggle against the West and the democratic-secular ideas associated with it, are on the march. They are being met by a geopolitical response by the most powerful states that has failed to stem the spread of extremism and terrorism. The ability of ideologues and political entrepreneurs to motivate Kenyans to become ‘devoted actors’ who support or perpetrate violence to advance political, religious or social aims that are radically opposed to democracy, pluralism, and the constitution. 

There is an ongoing targeting of Kenyans through ideological appeals crafted to be relevant to local and national dynamics.

Our legal freedoms and open society allow for the cheap and wide delivery of extremist messages.

Ongoing recruitment into local terrorist cells or to travel abroad to fight (finance, logistics) + encouragement and facilitation of lone actor attacks.

The human, political, and economic cost of extremism and terrorist violence is extremely high.

The Strategic Aim

To rally all sectors of Kenyan social, religious, and economic life to emphatically and continuously reject violent extremist ideologies and aims in order to shrink the pool of individuals that terrorist groups seek to radicalise and recruit.

Qualities that Must be in Place at the Local Level to Achieve the Strategic Aim

1.  At the individual, communal and national levels, be able to detect, disrupt and delegitimize extremist ideologies propagated by organisations that promote or utilise violence against Kenya‘s constitutional regime, democracy, and national cohesion.

2.  A widening and deepening commitment — particularly among influencers and young Kenyans — to Kenya as a country which is on a positive path and that is worth sacrificing for, and believing in.

3. Ensure that elected leaders, policymakers and staff in national and county governments, are undertaking comprehensive efforts that reverse the governance and socio-economic conditions that provide breeding grounds for violent extremism.

4. Promote an active community of practice in P/CVE composed of civil society groups, politicians, religious leaders, media and communications experts, artists and cultural producers, researchers, and domestic and foreign donors.

Major Performance Measures for Government and Non State P/CVE Actors

1. Detection, and amount and quality of targeted responses to extremist ideologies.

2. Increased stigmatisation of, and opposition to, anti-constitutional extremism that threatens or utilises violence.

3. Indications of increased public reporting of radicalisation leading to informed psycho-social and law-enforcement interventions, and reduced recruitment into violent extremist or terrorist groups.

4. Coordinated and evidence-driven P/CVE community of practice that incorporates government, civil society, donors, and the private sector.