Major NCTC-Driven Strategies and Policies

  • The National Counter Terrorism Strategy
  • National Strategy to Counter Violent Extremism (updated 2019, launched 2016)
  • 47 County Action Plans to Prevent & Counter Violent Extremism to implement the CVE strategy bottom-up
  • Between July 2016 to June 2020, the NCTC trained and sensitised over 100,000 Kenyans on their role in security in intelligence-informed radicalisation hotspots and risk areas. This is the most extensive pro-counter terrorism and counter-radicalisation initiative in the country.
  • Radicalised Kenyans on the risky journey to recruitment into terrorist groups have been disengaged throughout the country as part of the Disengagement Programme.
  • Coordination: Initiated and participated in establishment of incident response Standard Operating Procedures.
  • Protective security assessments .
  • Liaison with private security companies.
  • Training on terrorism prevention and counter terrorism.
  • Returnee disengagement and rehabilitation framework.
  • Global counter terrorism and counter violent extremism focal point.
  • Building the capacity of countries in the region in terrorism prevention and counter terrorism.